On a personal note, I am married with two daughters, a son and two grandchildren. I retired in my early fifties and have been blessed to be able to spend more time with enjoying family and hobbies, as well as personal growth. Professionally, I along with a few family members started as business in Duluth, Georgia in 1991. In just over 26 years the business grew to provide services in Georgia, Tennessee and Florida. One of the most valuable decisions we made in those 26 years was to hire a business coach. Because of that one decision our business grew faster and healthier because of a more cohesive leadership team. We had a great opportunity in 2017 to sell the business and join a global company where I spent a number of years creating and delivering leadership development programs.
I have also been blessed to have a personal life coach as well. The reality is that life can be very complex while pursuing a career, managing personal finances, family, friends as well as other day to day responsibilities. As we move through the various stages of life, the more complex life becomes. Choices we make during our life not only impacts our own personal lives but the lives of others as well. My life coach has helped me navigate some really difficult challenges in my life. He has help to provide the clarity needed to make better decisions. He continues to challenge me to be proactive in the course of my life. It is hard to say where I would be in life without having a personal coach but I am sure I would not be the friend, son, husband, and father that I am today. I am far from perfect in any of those categories but without question I am a much better person.
Legacy Living Coaching is an opportunity for me to pay forward to others the benefits that personal coaching has added to my life.